
Corina Amor Vegas, MD, PhD
(Assistant Professor and CSHL Cancer Center Program Co-Leader)

Corina received an M.D. from Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Spain and a PhD from the Gerstner Sloan Kettering Graduate School at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NY.  Following graduation she established her own research group at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory as an Independent Fellow in January 2022 and was promoted to assistant professor in January 2024. She is fascinated by cellular senescence and the potential of senolytic CAR T cells to treat chronic age-related pathologies. Outside of the lab she enjoys hiking, kayaking and reading.


Postdoctoral Fellow

Alex obtained his BS degrees in Biochemistry and Japanese from the University of Arizona and his PhD from the University of Tokyo studying the mechanisms of kidney aging and acute kidney injury. Outside of the lab he enjoys learning foreign languages and spending time with his family.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Ga-Ram received his BA from Boston University and his MS and PhD from Stony Brook University where he worked on the development of chemotherapeutically modified miRNAs as anticancer treatment. Outside of the lab, Ga-Ram enjoys cooking, baseball, and American football.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Guangran obtained his MS from Xiamen University in China and his PhD from Ulster University in UK studying the role of cardiac cellular senescence in chronic cardiovascular diseases. Outside of the lab, Guangran enjoys hiking.

Incoming postdoctoral Fellow

Inés will obtain her PhD from the Gerstner Sloan Kettering Graduate School at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NY in the Fall of 2024. Her research focuses on investigating the role of inflammation and aging in clonal hematopoiesis using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology and mouse modeling approaches. Inés will join us as a postdoctoral researcher in the Fall of 2024 to study the intersection between immune cells and age-related pathologies. In her free time she loves painting, reading, going to the movie theater and traveling, especially if it involves wandering in nature.

Ella is a graduate student in the School of Biological Sciences (SBS) program at CSHL. She graduated from Alcorn State University in 2021 where she double majored in Biology and Chemistry. Ella is passionate about bio-entrepreneurship and is also an advocate for marginalized voices in STEM. Beyond the bench, she enjoys singing, traveling, and trying new recipes.

Saria is a medical student at SUNY Downstate College of Medicine. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2022 where she majored in Biology with a minor in Chemistry. After graduation she joined us for a year to research the role of senescence  in regeneration, work she now compaginates with her medical studies. Outside of the lab Saria enjoys finding and trying out the best restaurants in NY and spending time with her family.

Visiting scientist

Pau studied biomedical sciences at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and obtained his MS from Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) where he studied senescence immune surveillance. Pau is currently doing a “La Caixa” fellowship for postgraduate studies in our laboratory. Outside  the lab he enjoys social gatherings, cooking and film photography.

Research Technician

Joey received his BS in Biology from Stony Brook university and his MA from the University of Buffalo where he studied the role of microglia in cognitive ailments. When not in lab he enjoys guitar playing, hiking and spending time with his family and dog.


URP student: 2023

Current position: Completing undergraduate degree at University of Cambridge.

Education: BS, University of Cambridge.